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Popular Posts (Last 7 Days)
The Seeds of Disaster
Almost the same as SP518; the Rook on the a-file and the Knight on the b-file have been switched.
On a Losing Streak
I saw the possibility of playing a gambit and after some analysis decided to roll the dice.
Spectating Chess960
Day 4 started with a curiosity. The first start position (SP784 BBRQKNRN) was the twin of the position on Day 3 (SP175 NRNKQRBB).
Nakamura's 1.g4/b4
Was there any particular characteristic of the start positions that led him to choose these moves?
Chess960 Showdown
Transcripts (x2) of Showdown in Saint Louis 2015 - Nakamura vs. Caruana and Negi vs. Yifan
Some Awkward Choices
A continuous balance of pursuing one's own plan while keeping an eye on the opponent's
An Engine-to-Engine Opening
The most striking characteristic of this SP is the Bishop pair on the a-/b-files, aimed at the enemy King, which is lodged between the two Rooks.
- DGT960 Chess Clock • The standard numbering system starts at zero
- Extreme Barbecues • The name is derived from the BBQ formation on the first three files, aimed at the RKR formation on the last three files